Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Concern of National Debt :: Argumentative Economy Economics Papers

The Concern of National Debt The National Debt is large, and should be a major concern to the economy. But a even bigger concern is how our Government plans to balance the budget and pay off the Federal Deficit. I am not in favor of passing the National Debt on to future generations, nor am I in favor of passing the Republican's Budget Plan either. The Republican's wantto sharply cut spending for Medicare and Medicaid health benefits for elderly and poor Americans in order to balance the budget by 2002 - while also providing $240 billion in tax cuts. I am in favor of balancing the budget but through many different routes. 1) cut Social Security but have Americans set-up tax free IRA's for their future. 2) Make a politicians job not so glamourous. A mere $35,000 dollars per year and a suitable benefits plan like the majority of Americans have would be fine. Maybe not so many greedy, power hungry indviduals would want the job to make them richer and us the American workers poorer. Maybe just maybe an average american would take the job to help the overall benefit of America as a whole and not just worry what is in it for them. 3) Cut some of the entitlements programs, but let the American people decide where to cut. The Government should have on-line voting, so our voices are heard. The Republican's package is a tax cut for the rich, it;s much more a tax cut for the middle class -- and a bad deal for the working poor. But I do understand, no matter where the cuts go, or who they hurt more, the dollars must come out. Take the dollars away from the rich and the greedy politicians who want more and more each year for their own benefit!! Most of these politicians are set for life with their million dollar benefits

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